Friday, May 21, 2010

A thought.

"Women were made from a man's rib, not from his head to be superior, not from his feet to be walked on, but from his side to be an equal, from under his arm to be protected and next to his heart to be loved"

I love this quote... after working as "the first female stock person" I have a new respect for men. Not all men, but gentlemen. The work I am doing is hard. and I would like to quit everyday because it is too hard. So many times we hear that a men and women are equal and they can do the same things equally. Not true. I am fine being under his arm and being protected. (0: I know where I belong and I like it there. For now though- I will be a stock girl and try my very best at carrying things that are way too heavy for me and pretending im okay. God bless my husband (a man i have yet to meet) he will be much respected after this summer.

ohh they got me a pink box cutter at the pool store.... I'm not sure why but they did. To feel more feminine? Who knows? Everyday i come home to shower and want to wear a dress because I hate feeling like a boy at work.
really im not miserable it just makes me think about why men and women are different-- and what a great thing that really is!


  1. I so love your perspective. You continue to amaze me every day. BTW, you look beautiful today, in your new dress. xoxo

  2. I love the pink box cutter. It is true. God made woman to be very unique. I realize this everyday as Tom continues his grad school and I wish for him to be done. :-). I love you!
